Heavy Duty Rewireable IEC C14 Kettle Lead Male Inline Plug 10A 230V

A rewireable in-line 3-pin IEC socket connector. For cable up to 8mmDiametre. Commonly referred to as kettle lead type connections the IEC rewireable adapters have scr...

A rewireable in-line 3-pin IEC socket connector. For cable up to 8mmDiametre. Commonly referred to as kettle lead type connections the IEC rewireable adapters have screws connectors so no soldering is required. Ideal for Heavy duty appliances rated up to 10 amps.

Rated at 230V 10A Complies with IEC 60320-1:2001(2nd Edition)+A1:2007 Cable entry approx 8mm
Country of Origin China
RoHS Compliant Yes
Ends C14 IEC
Country of Origin:China;RoHS Compliant:Yes;SVHC:TBA;Ends:C14 IEC;